Pirates Audiobook is Completed!!


That’s right. Last chapter is a wrap from the 3rd installment, Act 3 – Outpost Wars, which completes this Pirate trilogy.

I started this endeavor October 2022. It’s taken a year and four months to produce this massive project. This was both challenging and rewarding. I’ve learned a ton during this entire process. The end result is a phenomenal production that’s complete with special effects, sound effects and unique voices that brings this three part production to life.

Now, time to get it to the audiobook dealers where it will be reviewed and prepareded for all my retail outlets.

I’ll share the links to Spotify & Audible as soon as they become available.

It usually takes about ten days or so.

#staytuned as I continue #sparkingimaginations

Big News for 2024!!

With the Pirates of the Galactic Empire trilogy nearing completion, I have begun producing Warlords Saga II.

I’m excited to get this two book volume underway. Saga II contains ‘Realm of Revein’sev’ and ‘Return to Revein’sev.’

Check it out below and please feel free to provide any feedback you have.



Progress on Act 3: Outpost Wars

I wanted to let you all know that there are only eight chapters left to record in the third book in the Pirates of the Galactic Empire franchise.

I’ve got quite a bit of editing and production to go, but as they say, slow and steady wins the race. It’s actually going quite well in the editing department as with my new microphone, it makes removing the background noise much easier… there isn’t any. Or at least there’s not much. This will give me more time to invest in the production phase. That’s the fun part. Adding sound effects and background music to enhance the listening experience.

Click on the video below for the five minute retail sample for Act 3: Outpost Wars. This sample is taken from Chapter 0.5.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more updates…

Audiobook, Gone Rogue, submitted for release.


Pirates of the Galactic Empire: Act 2 – Gone Rogue, is now being published on Audible and Spotify.

It’ll take about 10 days for Audible and just a few for Spotify.

It was a long road on this audiobook. There were many challenges, not only technically, but physically. But, it’s done and it’s totally awesome!!

Here is the five minute retail sample for your listening enjoyment.

I’d love your feedback.

Now, time to take a small break to rest my voice before book 3, Outpost Wars gets underway, which will complete the 3 book trilogy…

But, don’t fret, I’m working on several other projects, including Act 4 in the Pirates series, “Trouble in Paradise”

Stay tuned for more updates.
